
K-fee System GmbH

Senefelderstr. 44
51469 Bergisch Gladbach
Tel. +49-2202-105-0

Registry court: District Court Cologne
Registration number: HRB 67985
Managing Directors entitled to represent: Marc Krüger, Dr. Guido Colsman, Vanessa Scott
Value added tax identification number according to Section 27 a of the Value Added Tax Act: DE 815 356 565
Responsible for content according to § 7 para. 1 of the German Telemedia Act (TMG): K-fee® System GmbH

Notice of Liability

Despite careful content control, we accept no liability for the content of external links. The operators of linked websites are solely responsible for their respective content.

Responsibility for content

  1. K-fee System GmbH responsible for its own website content according to general laws (esp. § 7 TMG).
  2. K-fee System GmbH is only responsible for external content provided for use in the website to the extent that it is aware of this content and that the technical and reasonable possibility exists of preventing its use.
  3. Liability for external content to which K-fee System GmbH solely provides access is excluded. An automatic and short-term provision of external content due to a user query is deemed to be provision of access
  4. Obligations to block the usage of illegal content according to general laws remain unaffected, if K-fee System GmbH obtains knowledge of this content while adhering to communications secrecy acc. to § 88 TKG and if a block is technically possible and reasonable.